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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Why make a difference?

Making a difference is as important as any aspects that we need to look and put perspectives in our country. we live in a world that not everybody in each of these countries is as fortunate as others, in that case, we as a nation need to unite and help those in need. Abuse and abundance rate is very high in this country and it is upon us to make a difference in that issue and make the world a better place.we are people who will be blazing a trail for others to follow.


pathfinders,pioneers,forerumes, people who crave adventure and explores, all of us want to know we are important and all of us want to feel we are making a contribution to the world. being impotant and making a difference is something we should wrestle for. if we desire to make a diference, can you imagen the miracle you and i can achieve by giving the deepest appreciation to the rare individuals who actually satisfies their heart hunger.

All it takes is a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich, a piece of fresh fruit, and one half-pint of juice to keep a child from going hungry


  1. I agree with you, if we unite then we can conquer the world, nothing will overcome us, we need to put aside our differences.

  2. yes, especially with those who have platforms to make a differnce in this world should come forward nd help because platform is there to affect change.

  3. I agree with you dear we need the spirit of UBUNTU for our country to be a better place.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. yes dear, truth is we need eah other to make this work, hence we need to take it upon us to make it work

  4. i just love how you made coherent out of this BLOG yes making a difference to other people that are in need is so important ,,,to the fact that you pointed south african known people,,DJ sbu is someone that doesnt have anything in peoples eyes but still try so hard to make difference ,,we should learn from him

    1. true, and the nicest thin about him is that he does nt only encourages elders bt put his focus on us youth. which also encourages us to up our game so we cn up others

  5. This should be done in our everyday lives not only when is Mandela day...

    1. true that because it is upon us to help change the nation to the better an which can no be done in one day

  6. one person can never change the world but can sure make a difference...... totally agree with your blog, good 1 :)

    1. thank you hunny... YAH we do need to make a difference in this country of ours. it is one o th aspects that need to be taken care of
      'chnge to the bettr

  7. I fully agree with yo Miss Tladinyana, Mandela day is one of the few days in our calendar that unite our country, so i think its fair enough that we have more of these days.

    1. not only more but make our everyday a mandela day, we wil be helping a ot of families

  8. absolutely love the sentiment of this blog, because i mean helping others is helping thy self indirectly the joy and pleasure it brings to the helper to know that you have just been herioc in someone elses life is just to beautiful love it. hope to make it at the next Nelson Mandela day myself and not only that but on any other day where my help would be needed.

    1. yes we need happy hearts to actually do this difference, those who know what change could do to someone's life.

  9. Mandela day, is the day when most give back and get involved in developing communities. For me, everyday should be a Mandela day.

  10. Difference is one thing that is needed in our everday to day life and we cant simply live without making a difference in our lives and other peoples lives.Chnge is good and it builds us to become better people in life

  11. I also Agree and this will make dreams come true and crime to become less...If people that work can contribute R10.00 a month this can be achieved...Lets put a smile on peoples faces.

  12. We can make major contributions to society—both to help other people & feel good about our choices—while also making a difference in our everyday lives.

  13. We need to be selfless and give a Hand to the less unfortunate than us. Always contribute to Worthy foundation that will help and empower the kids and women...

  14. for starters i'd like to thank my brother and his colleagues for the support. and yes, we must strive for a better change in our society and as said, the little you can contribute with is too much.

  15. its most wonderful feeling helping others and making a difference i hope the pr students are putting in a helping hand in society

  16. What a great read, so mind opening. It all starts with practicing empathy instead of sympathy. If we all put ourselves in the needy's shoes and just try to imagine what they are going through, the more effort we can put in helping them in any possible way we can.

  17. @ the end of the day, sharing is caring, so why not?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Mandela day is a good initiative that involves all South Africans and reminds us about the spirit of giving, charity begins at home if we reach out to our neighbors first then our communities what a big difference we can make to build our Nation and it starts with me and you practicing it and living it.

  20. i agree with you,as people we need to learn to be selfless in helping other people how are less fortunate thsn ypurself. the hand that gives is blessed than the hand that receive.

    1. and you knw what they say about giving? the best time to give is when you feel you don't have much to give

  21. It doesn't have to be large amounts of money, we should consider donating some of our time.Tutor younger students or getting involved with some other form of community service

    I honestly believed that blessed is the hand that gives.

    1. yes friend, it doesn even have to be about money at all times in the first place. you said it.

  22. Veri true. And its time we stop making excuses,we don't have 2 be rich 2 make a difference, just by giving our time & talent a lot can be done.

    We need to make everyday a Mandela Day. As the great man (Nelson Mandela) said “its in your hands”, let's change our country, one sandwich at a time

  23. True working together we can achieve anything.

  24. Wow kagiso I couldn't have set it beter myself , its good to be a selfless person, thanks for such an inspiring blog
